Born December 23, 1891 in Sherebrooke, Canada to Laurent Plante and Maria Ruel, she was the 5th of 7 childen in this family. According to the 1910 census taken on April 22nd, 1910, her family immigrated here to the US in 1904 and settled in Providence, RI.
She was married on October 31, 1910 in Providence, RI. According to her descendants, she was an excellent seamstress and enjoyed cooking and baking which turned out to be a valuable asset later on as she had 16 children of her own. Unfortunately, she lost two of them soon after
they were born. She was only 63 when she died after dealing with
a variety of medical difficulties on June 17, 1954 and is buried in St. Ann's Cemetery in Cranston, RI with her husband, Omer J. Brisson, Sr. who died on October 4, 1959.
Many of her children went on to make great contributions in their respective fields with some serving in the World War II as well as becoming nurses, accountants, cooks and raising large families. She had a total of 60 grandchildren, however, many were born after she had passed away which was unfortunate for those who missed out on her wonderful cooking and great love of children. Many of her descendants still live in the Rhode Island area but are also scattered across the United States in various locations.